Artificial Nature

There is something about pairing artificial colors against natural dusty shades that truly puts your imagination to work.  Before there was Instagram, there was Salvation Mountain outside of Palm Springs, CA.  If Candyland, Fraggle Rock and The Wizard of Oz all decorated a room together while smoking a joint, then Salvation Mountain would be the result.....a true artistic creation before our iPhones were there to take a photo and upload it to the world.  

I suggest going solo to Salvation Mountain if you're up for an adventure.  It's about an hour and half outside of Palm Springs near the deserted Salton Sea.  On your drive you will experience mirages and wonder if this is the end of life as the desert continues to connect itself into an infinite abyss.   Make sure to stop at the very-real-not-a-mirage-gas-station that is surrounded by other travelers whose mounting concerns of feeling lost can be felt in the parking lot.  Note: this is your last stop for gas or water. Keep driving and as your cell phone loses service and you think you've gone too far, signs for Salvation Mountain will rise out of the blurred khaki landscape.  And after you have driven through what seems like a little ghost town, it will be there waiting for you, somewhere on your left and filled with colorful surprises.  Be sure to wander through all of the little nooks and crannies as every dirt wall, floor, stone and branch has been layered with pastel colors and folk inspired designs. If you're up for volunteering you can even grab a paint can and help preserve the candy shell coating of this desert oasis.  Go, and let your imagination run wild. 

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