Eye Spy - Color in Quarantine

About halfway through lockdown, (in one of my newsletters) I had asked everyone to send me photos from their daily walks. If you recall, to my surprise we all saw green, which I still can’t believe!

I wanted to give a special shout out to one of my fellow trend forecasters, Sophia Ahmad, who sent me a bundle of photographs she took on a recent walk around her Boston neighborhood. During quarantine she started exploring streets that were new to her and found herself photographing playgrounds that were empty of vibrant life. She was drawn to the exposed colors, textures and shapes typically covered with laughing children tangled up in a real life game of Candyland. The colors ranged from pastels of abandoned chalk art to the most saturated purples and reds. I also loved how she photographed tarps, basketball courts and walls with a zoomed in perspective, which captured negative and positive shapes.

During my quarantine I also found myself looking closer at the details in my neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn. I’m usually not drawn to bright colors, but similar to Sophia, when I found myself devoid of stimulation in a lockdown, strong colors and shapes called my name. And once I found one color blocked building, it’s all my eye could see.

Trend forecasters are always looking at the world in new ways and translating what we see into tangible ideas. Imagine what our photographs below might be transformed into? Color palettes, prints/patterns, design details….the possibilities are endless.

Boston, MA

Gowanus, Brooklyn

Abigail Cook